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Water Management

Water Management

Water Use

The study observed that the main source of water for the institute is received from two bore wells. Water is used for drinking purpose, toilets and gardening. The waste water from the RO water purifier is used for gardening purpose. During the survey, no loss of water is observed, neither by any leakages, or by over flow of water from overhead tanks. The data collected from all the departments is examined and verified. On an average the total use of water in the college is 25,000L/day, which include 20,000 L/day for domestic, 3,000 L/day for gardening purposes and 2,000 L/day for drinking purpose.

Rain Water Harvesting

Rain water harvesting units are also functional for recharging ground water level. The rain water collected from all floors of the building and Harvested in the recharge well available inside the campus.

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