Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 UG: Computer Science and Engineering | CSE (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) | CSE (Cyber Security) | Civil Engineering | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Information Technology | Artificial Intelligence & Data Science... Admission Open for 2025 - 2026 PG: Master of Business Administration (MBA) | Master of Computer Application (MCA) | M.E. Computer Science and Engineering | M.E. Power Electronics and Drives | M.E.VLSI Design.


Separate hostels have been provided for boys and girls by the College. Both hostels are fully furnished and all the facilities have been provided for the comfort of the students. Hostel Mess is run by management and not by contract.


A hygienic canteen is functioning in the college campus, to provide quality food, snacks, tea, coffee, cool-drinks, etc., Periodic checks will be made to see that the quality of items are maintained.


  • A Student admitted to the hostel will have no claim to single or double room accommodation and will have to stay in the room allotted to him /her(with two or three inmates)
  • Inmates of each room are jointly responsible for the furniture, electrical fittings, etc.,and any damage to the hostel property is recoverable from them.
  • No female guest can be entertained in the men's hostel, likewise, no male guest can be entertained in the women's hostel.
  • Use of drugs, alcohol and any kind of gambling are strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not permitted to entertain any day scholar / guest to stay with them, without prior permission from the resident-warden.
  • In case of serious illness and infectious diseases, the student should bring the notice of the resident warden immediately.
  • Disciplinary action will be taken against inmates who violate the hostel rules, Boys hostel is of 40000sq.ft.

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